Code of Excellence

IFBSO Code of Excellence

Transparency of entry rules, allocation of space, appeals system and waiting list rules

The organiser will make publicly available within the application form and/or in the terms of participation:

  • Entry rules for the exhibition;
  • The rules governing allocation of space including the operation of any waiting list;
  • Details of the allocation appeals system, including the person or body charged with responsibility as final arbiter.

Exhibitors’ compliance with construction standards

  • Boat show organisers will inform exhibitors that it is the exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that all their products on display and for sale must comply with the construction and manufacturing standards for craft and other specified equipment in the country where the show is held.
  • Where regulations (such as product safety laws) apply to boats or other specified equipment, boat show organisers will require all exhibitors to comply with all laws and regulations relating to goods and/or services applicable in the country where the show is held. In particular, when displayed in the EU, an exhibitor’s boat or engine must either be correctly CE marked or display a disclaimer notice that such products may not be marketed or put into service until they have been made to comply with the relevant EU Directives.

Additional costs

  • The show organiser will provide full details of costs for technical services and compulsory additional costs payable to the organiser.
  • In the case of charges payable to a contractor, such as electricity or forklift work, the organiser will either provide details of such charges or identify the contractor whom the exhibitor can approach for details.
  • Counting of visitors and sold exhibition space
  • Organisers will provide details of attendance and net sold space in accordance with the standards and definitions published by UFI.          


  • Organisers will publish audited attendance figures and state the auditing body.
  • Promotion of boating
  • Organisers will take active measures to promote boating at public shows.

Promotion of boating

  • Organisers will take active measures to promote boating at public shows.