Code of Ethics and Conduct
This is the IFBSO Code of Ethics and Conduct to provide guidance on the routines of IFBSO business and the conduct of its members. Breaches of this code shall be regarded as a breach of the IFBSO Rules.
- All applicable international and national laws including in relation to competition and anti-trust requirements will be respected and adhered to at all times.
- Any real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest will be identified and addressed at the earliest possible opportunity and managed appropriately.
- Members:
- Will act with honesty, integrity and transparency at all times.
- Will actively participate and contribute to all relevant meetings, seeking to contribute their skills experience and opinions
- Will be inclusive of and support other members sharing their opinions and experiences equally
- Will work to develop a truly inclusive and global participation in all of our activities and will actively address any barriers to participation in any form
- Will treat each other with respect and seek to uphold diversity and inclusion, with particular regard to race, gender, age, ability, level of economic development, any other protected characteristic
- Will respect all applicable copyright, confidentiality and appropriate data protection obligations
- Avoid and not seek to offer or accept any form of bribery, corruption or anti-competitive behaviour
In the event of any conflict, suspicion of breach of this code, or if complaints arise about other members, these should be directed immediately, directly and in confidence to either the Chair of the relevant Working Group, the Executive Director or the President of IFBSO.